Products & Services

Application Systems
With an entire fleet of Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel Marine Sanitation Devices, Sea Horse Systems stands ready to deliver your U.S.C.G. or I.M.O CertifiedMarine Sanitation Unit.
From Coast to Coast, Individual Captains, Fleet Owners, Engineers, Passengers, and Crew rely on The Powerful Sea Horse Product Line 24/7.
Proudly Made in Louisiana, U.S.A.
Certified by The United States Coast Guard.
"Mariner Series"

Stainless Steel and Aluminum Units Available

The Sea Horse "Mariner Series" Marine Sanitation Device is a self-contained biological treatment system that is sized to fit almost any application.
The Sea Horse MSD's can meet any crew requirements for USCG, International, Local and State regulation. Units can also be custom-designed to fit in many tight spaces
The Mariner Series comes complete with NEMA 4 waterproof enclosures with high-level alarm, and discharge pump.
Features & Benefits:
USCG/IMO Certified Type II MSD
Meets 33 CFR 159.97 for inspected vessels
Low Maintenance - few moving parts and no special tools required
Crew sizes from 1 to 450+
Certified to treat up to 10000 GPD per single system
Meets or exceeds all EPA, State or International requirements
Standard configurations and custom designs
Operates in Fresh and Saltwater
Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, and Aluminum Construction
Standard carbon steel unit
P Series

Features & Benefits:
All units are USCG/IMO Certified Type II
Low Maintenance - few moving parts and no special tools required
Crew sizes from 1 to 16 people
Meets or exceeds all EPA, State or International requirements
Operates in Fresh and Saltwater
Corrosion-resistant polyethylene construction
Standard 1 year warranty
Meets 33 CFR 159.97 for inspected vessels
The Sea Horse “P Series” marine sanitation device is a self-contained biological sewage treatment system that is designed to easily be installed without the need for a shipyard or a large maintenance crew. This unit was designed to eliminate corrosion while still retaining the same reliability of the Mariner series units, all with your budget in mind.
The unit is modular and lightweight. It will fit through most watertight doors and can be handled with as few as two people. The unit is complete, self contained and ready for your vessel.
The Sea Horse Type II MSD can meet any crew requirements for USCG, Local and state regulations. The units can be sized to treat black water only or black and gray water if necessary.
The “P” Series comes complete with an integrated discharge system, remote control panel with high-level alarm.

P40 56" L X 18" W X 43" T
P70 66" L X 18" W X 43" T
IMO Series

Sea Horse has developed its newest units to meet the most recent IMO Sewage Treatment Systems regulations (IMO Res. MEPC.115(51), Reg 9.1.1, and 33 CFR 159.015). Our customers have enjoyed the trouble-free operation of the
Sea Horse since the initiation of the IMO resolution in 2010.
Our units use a high-pressure discharge pump, and a media filter with a large surface area, to ensure its maximum life. In addition, our control panel removes the guesswork from the operator to ensure trouble-free operation.
Our main goal at Sea Horse is to make sure you can operate your vessel without worry from your sewage system while still maintaining the highest environmental quality.
Features & Benefits:

IMO/USCG certified
TEFC High-Pressure Pump
Large Surface area filter media for long life
Custom sizing available
Units Available in steel, stainless steel, aluminum and plastic

Lift Stations & Grease Traps
Fast Installation & Easy Maintenance!


Oil & Gas
Sanitation Systems
The Sea Horse Oil & Gas sanitation units are designed for offshore and onshore oil and gas wastewater treatment applications. Low maintenance, easy installation, and manufactured for years of dependable service.

Our units meet all USCG and IMO requirements and can be sized to meet any local, state, or federal requirements both domestically and internationally.
Versatile with a capacity to handles up to several thousand gallons per day and its ability to fit in difficult areas makes this unit unique in design. This unit is self-contained and can be delivered to your site ready for installation and operation.
We provide a maintenance program if desired to keep your unit running efficiently. Whether pre-engineered or customized this unit's design will provide the reliability you want in this type of marine sanitation equipment.
Features & Benefits:
Easy Maintenance plan
Easy access covers
Easy Access/non-corrosive valve controls
Low maintenance disinfection systems
Corrosion protected
Coal tar epoxy inside
3-part polyurethane paint system
Stainless steel weir basket
Explosion-proof blowers (optional)
Float controlled effluent pump (optional)
Alarm systems (optional)
Full line complementary products

Loaner Fleet
Need a Unit While Your Systems is Being Built?
Sea Horse Systems Maintains a Complete Service Fleet!
As a Value Added Service to our Clients,
Sea Horse Systems maintains a fully operational fleet available for short-term loan.